
Steps on Google Display and Video Ads Campaigns

Google display ads and video ads campaign explains as follows below,

As you Know Initially steps to proceed with Billing and Payment, action to fill up with your account details, and with payment transfer to your Google account.

As if this article concept on Campaign setup of Display Ad, Gmail Ads, and Video Ads.

In the previous article, we discussed the basic steps of search and display network ads, the fundamentals of Google Ads, and the digital marketing process.

Steps to setup for Display Ad Network Campaign

Just click on Campaign and create a new campaign type as Display Ad

Navigated to the Display Network Drive Action page, Select which Drive Action your strategy for the campaign. Such as call to a business, take action on a website, get business.

Create a Campaign name and select a targeted location for your campaign.

Select the bid strategy for the campaign, such as maximum clicks, maximum conversions. Manual CPC, Automated CPC, etc. Depend on the requirements you have to proceed with the bid strategy. And Insert a Day per budget and Maximum CPC.

Click Save and Continue to proceed  on Display Ad Group

Navigate to the Ad group page Fill up related fields such as Ad group name, landing page.  And Select the most highly rank keywords which are suggested by Google from the Display keywords option or else on a strategy based you can proceed with Interest and Remarketing. In that, you can select or continue with the In-market audience category.

 You have to select an option based on requirement. Click Save to continue next

Create an Adoption  in this you can upload an image of particular dimensions along with all fields

Click Save and Continue the Finish button.  This steps intro about Google Ads Displays Ad networks.

Steps to setup Gmail Ad Network Campaign

As usual in the same campaign just you need to create and Click Ad and Ad gallery from a drop-down list.

It Navigates to some other page where you will get select of 5 types of Ads such as Dynamic Ads, Lightbox ads, Video Ads, General Ads and Gmail Ad. Our campaign related to Gmail click on Gmail Ad.

Proceed with just Gmail Ad which is shown above the mailbox in mail list Other Ads related to your requirement, If you want to send with entirely content into bulk no of custom mail ids. Or else you can proceed with the sidebar Gmail Ad.

Our Campaign target only for Gmail Subject Ad which is shown below in a video Clip Fill up the form in the related field, In the Subject, field write your campaign target on what, and the Title and Description of your Ad with a logo of 200×200 and Banner Ad for your Campaign.

Then click Save and Continue your Ad. Your Ad will be Approve after you saved an ad. It may be a chance to disapprove if you made mistakes in sentence format in the title, description, etc.

Steps to setup Ads Video Ad Network Campaign

On Campaign user interface area click Add a video campaign as you know how you did for Display Ad network same as usual click on Video Ad Campaign.

Navigates to video search options select a video through which video you are going to run a video campaign.

Then it will ask for you Instream Ad, Video discovery Ad, and Bumper skip Ads. Depend on your requirement you can select an option.

Instream video means video Ad which is come before Video on YouTube without any Skip Adoption

Video discovery Ad implies strategy you will discover the ad on true view YouTube pages, you will going to show in Ad and to which targeted videos.

Bumper Ads means with skip Adoption this Adjust 6 sec of Video Clip in between the YouTube Video breaking points your Ad will appear.

And Remaining Bidding Strategy Cost per Video and Daily Budget on your Bid Strategy and Budget per limit you can run a campaign.

As previous campaigns for Display Ad network you such as daily budget INR 50/- and per video Ad INR 5/- by bid auction your views may increase. And may pictures can be converted. And remaining all the same process as before campaign steps. you can able to see in video above.

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